I am sure you are asking yourself right now the same question – How to eat out and lose weight?

Having a good plan for your days or weekends away is a key to stay on the right track to lose weight and fit into those smaller jeans.

But how can you do this?

Planning your nutrition to make sure you hit your protein goal and to stay within calorie deficit to lower the body fat is important for you to see the results you want.

How often do you go out to meet family or friends, you have a nice meal and few drinks? Are your weekends out stopping you from making progress?

The other day we went out for dinner. We don’t go out often so when we do we make most of it.

We went to a really lovely French restaurant. I knew I am going for 3 course meal.

The menu had the calories on and I couldn’t believe my eyes the amount of calories each meal had. And yes – that is why it’s so delicious (because the amount of butter and fat in everything is too high). Don’t get me wrong I still ordered regardless of the calories.


If you are someone who goes out 1-2 times per week – you will find it hard to see the progress with your weight loss.

How can you still enjoy your night out and lose inches from your waist at the same time?

I think it’s really important to decide which meals our are major celebration when you really eat what you like such as your birthday, Christmas, New Years Celebration etc…

If you eat out 1-2 per week this will have an impact on your overall energy intake and hence it’s important to have a plan for these events.

Here are 5 TIPS TO HELP YOU enjoy your meal our

and stay on the right track.


If you go for a meal out during the day and evening, be mindful of you nutrition during the day. It’s the overall calories consumed across the day/week that matter, not the one meal with drinks. Depending on your nutrition strategy workout out your meals for the week / weekend. To lose weight you need to be in calorie deficit. To come out of calorie deficit into maintenance calories for one day is ok if you stay in the deficit for the rest of the week. One day will not make a difference in your progress.


Most restaurants have got menus available online, so you can check it out and plan your meals and drinks. Decide if you are having starter and main meal, or a main meal with desert and drinks. Not all, but some restaurants have got the calories next to the meals so you can track it or scan it straight away, so you know how much calories it is.


During the week and on the of the day out, prioritise lean protein. If the restaurant doesn’t have calories with the menu, it will be very difficult to track it. That’s ok. Eating out is always delicious because they use a lot of cooking fats that tastes yummy – do you agree? But most of your calories are coming from the fat in your nutrition and hence I advise to choose lean protein & veggies. This way you will feel fuller for longer and you hit your protein goal too. Additionally decide if you are having starter/desert or drink. Have boundaries with what you are ordering. Eat mindfully to fuel your body. It’s ok not to have everything. It’s your goal – not someone else’s.


Yes, they count too. The fizzy and alcoholic drinks count too and your body will also prioritise processing these calories. Plan your drinks, just like you plan your meals. Alternate alcoholic/fizzy drinks with water and set boundaries on your drinks. Trust me, you’ll still have a lot of fun and won’t be as hangover the day after. BONUS!


If you are going away for a weekend or for holiday, apply the 80/20 approach. This means you eat 80% for your goals and 20% to enjoy the life. Allow yourself the ice cream or pizza – that’s what the holiday is for. However, keep yourself in check with your other meals to fuel your body with the nutrients it needs. Food is fuel so having ice cream and cake 3 times per day is not really the right fuel for you body and you will soon feel this in your energy levels.

I follow all these rules and strongly recommend this to all my clients too and it works. The tracking will give you awareness of the calories consumed and where are they coming from. And your planning will help you make progress with your weight loss journey while enjoying your life.

I don’t believe you should make restrictions. You can have fun, live your life to its best and still lose inches from your waist.

Do you feel your Fridays and Saturday nights are stopping you see better results?

If you would like to chat about it head over to my contact form to book a call. I’d be more than happy to help you plan and fit the new habits into your weekly routine.

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Have a great weekend and don’t forget to plan for it 😊

Petra x