Lats year has been challenging. I was diagnosed with cancer.
And last 12 months…..
It hasn’t been easy but I am here and reflecting. I had to learn to navigate through tough time. How to push through the days when my mind was taking me to dark places. How to work with my anxiety and not let it affect my mindset. There were a lot of highs and lows. One thing I learned is that it all comes in waves, and every low is followed with a high. So I learned to ride the waves.
Some lows made me revisit my purpose and my values and why I do what I do.
So let me share 30 thoughts with you, that may help you on your journey, or in fact any part of your life.

1. Take one day at a time. Stop focusing on what will be in 6 months or next year. Yes, have a vision and goals, but you won’t get there if you don’t make today YOUR day. Take one step at a time. Take one day at a time. Make sure you focus on living your best life today.
2. Focus on what you can control when life throws challenges at you. Life isn’t meant to be easy. There will be barriers and turns along the way. Your response to these situations will determine your thoughts and actions. Yes this is harder done than said. Practicing it daily will help you be more resilient in the situations when you’ll really need it.
3. Look after your body. It gave you life. It’s your responsibility to make sure you keep it fit and healthy with exercise, nutrition & healthy lifestyle.
4. Exercise to keep your body fit, strong and healthy. It will pay you back when you’ll need it the most.
5. Look after your mental, spiritual and social health. Together with physical health they are very closely connected and have an enormous impact on each other. Don’t be afraid to dig deeper and learn more about yourself.
6. Not all days are great, but you can make every day a a little better. Some days it will be harder than others and that’s ok. Start and finish your day with gratitude to help you focus on the positives. This can be harder especially if life is really throwing you off the track. Go back to focusing on what you can – point 2 from this blog.
7. Choose your tribe. The people you choose to spend your time with the most, will be influencing your, mood, energy, behaviours and actions. Smaller circle of like minded & supportive people is more valuable.
8. Explore new habits, rituals & communities and let go of those that don’t serve you anymore, including people around you (sorry for the tough love but it’s true).
9. No is an answer and you don’t need to explain to anyone why. It’s perfectly fine to disagree with someone. Keep your barriers up and choose wisely what/who you say YES to. Saying NO to someone means you are saying YES to yourself.
10. Don’t be afraid of what others think or say about you. You can’t change them or their actions. Stay loyal to yourself and your values. You need to look after you.
11. Try something new. I started colouring during my recovery after my cancer treatment. I started going to sound bath to help me manage my emotions and I did my first ever triathlon this year. What is it going to be for you?
12. Perfection is a prison for fun in every aspect of your life. Every mistake you make is your opportunity to learn a grow again. Thrive for growth and development and learn from the errors.
13. It’s ok not to be ok. Recognise the times when you are low. It will pass. ….this takes me nicely to the next point
14. Do what makes you happy and do more of it. You are in charge of your happiness.
15. Be honest. When someone asks you ‘How are you’ and you don’t feel ok, say ‘it’s a bit challenging right now but thanks for asking’ instead of saying ‘I’m ok’.
16. Stop pleasing everyone. Choose people who accept you for who you are, and those who are there when you need them.
17. Your output is determined by what you do constantly, not occasionally. At home, at work, in your relationship, your friendships, your goals…in every aspect of your life.
18. Your daily routine creates your lifestyle. Actions you practise daily are your habits and what you give to yourself is what you get. Are your actions fulfilling your day?
19. Every morning you wake up is a good morning. Your morning routine and what you do to start your day will dictate the vibes for the rest of the day. If you have a good morning, you will have a good day. Make time for your morning routine to kickstart your day.
21. Your goals and values may and will change at different parts of your life. Make sure to connect with yourself regularly and align your actions with what’s important to you. From here you can then set small goals for yourself to drive your forward.
22. Let go of the past and make space for NOW. You can’t change the past, but you can put your best effort to be happy in the present moment.
23. Change is hard. However, if where you are right now is comfortable, it isn’t helping you to be better version of yourself. You don’t have to wait till Monday, next month or NEW YEAR to start.
24. Connect with new people who will motivate, empower and support you and those who you learn from. Connect with them, meet them and spend more time with them – in person.
25. Don’t compare your life to someone’s highlights from social media. Most people only share their highlights on the social platforms. But they all experience the lows too.
26. Motivation doesn’t exist. Your goals are driven by your values. Dig deep to find the real reason you want to change to really connect with your why.
27. Only look back to see how far you’ve come. You are your only competition. Stay in your lane and work towards being a better, fitter and stronger version of yourself.
28. Be kind to yourself. Positive affirmations and self talk go a long way. Your mind is always listening.
29. Make time. We are all busy. But if you want to do something new and work towards your goals, your need to make time. Make it your priority and commit to it.
30. Put your phone down more often. We learn is e-world. Allocate time away from screen to be present for what’s happening now.
I can carry on and on. Thoughts are just popping into my head. But I will stop at 30 today.
Did any of this inspire you?
If this blog helped you or motivated you, please let me know and share it with someone else.
With gratitude & love